You can search the Public Register by post code, name of JP, day of availability, language spoken and JP registration number. You can also check the listing of scheduled JP services by suburb. JPs come from all sections of the community and are available across NSW. Downing Centre Court House.
Sydney Alliance The Sydney Alliance is a coalition of religious organisations, community groups and trade unions which aims to rebuild civil society to advocate for fairness and justice in Sydney.
Ask our friendly customer service staff about rate payments, building, planning and development applications and information, reporting waste and graffiti, permits and notifications, Council papers, as well as other services. Learn about non-violent, peaceful ways of resolving conflict that meet human needs and respects human rights. View entire discussion (comments) More posts from the sydney community 1. JP Service is temporarily close until further notice.
As part of your registration, you will be asked a series of questions to check your eligibility to become a JP. This includes but is not limited to their right to active participation in all decisions made by Australian governments in regards to lan welfare, regulation, education and cultural practices.