How do I prove that I am the one and the same person ? What is a NSW statutory declaration? Can I make a statutory declaration? Statutory declarations are not usually used in court cases.

For example, a stautory declaration can be used to prove that: a person that goes by two different names is the same person. Of: Pitt St Sydney. State of New South Wales , do solemnly and sincerely declare as follows: That my credit card with ABC Bank Ltd has been closed.
A statutory declaration for identification purposes is your declaration that you are who you say you are and that you are the one and the same person. Whether you need a notary certificate or must make a statutory declaration depends on whoever requires you to provide this evidence. Can more than one person be party to a statutory declaration - and both sign before the same solicitor ? There will be two tenants and a Notice will be served on them jointly. Free Practical Law trial To access this resource, for a free trial of Practical Law. It is an offence to lie in a statutory declaration.
How to write a statutory declaration The person making a statutory declaration is called the declarant. There are two alternative formats specified in the Act, in the Eighth Schedule and in the Ninth Schedule. DO SOLEMNLY DECLARE THAT: 1.