Friday 12 May 2017

Advantages and disadvantages of flexible working hours

What are the disadvantages of flexible work? Employee Flexibility. With flexible work schedules, employees stand to experience a good number of benefits. One that many workers point to first.

It becomes harder to draw a line between when they’re meant to be working and when they’re not.

It also means they could be putting in more hours than they’re meant to without noticing. For an employee, working from home may seem ideal. Hand in hand with the above comes the fact that when you work from home, it can be. One clear advantage to a flexible work schedule is the ability to arrange your workday around personal obligations. For example, instead of working the traditional a. Some people take advantage of flexible work hours as an invitation for work from home and relax.

This means playing.

Overall, there are so many potential advantages to a flexible working structure that it’s worth considering. Most employers would be glad to see an improvement in their employees’ health and wellbeing – and reduced stress levels and increased motivation are good news for the bottom line. How can you support your home-based workers? Set ‘ Work time’ rule for all days at hours duration, so your employees can work their flexible hours at any given time and have hours taken into account as paid time.

There are likely to be reduced sick days. When creating your flexible work policy, you should definitely take compressed work week in consideration. Compressed schedule is highly beneficial for both parties.

It provides employees with larger blocks of time-off and extends the operational hours of the company at the same time. Less oversight, a less concrete working structure, a very likely more ‘solo’ working. Procrastination can be an issue even on our best days and is something that everybody. Can Lead to More Procrastination. While the idea of being able to adjust work hours to accommodate to employees’ personal needs sounds appealing, it nonetheless deprives them of certain benefits associated with the workplace environment only.

Here are some of the advantages and disadvantages of flexible working hours : Advantages. The advantages to businesses include being able to hold onto valuable staff, having a wider talent pool, reducing absenteeism, increasing commitment from employees and improving productivity. Flexible Working Often Means Working from.

Good team work : Having proper and flexible work practices can allow the staff members to have their own schedules.

They will be able to work at home easily and take care of all needs such as children’s activities, doctors appointments and other sorts of life moments. Everyone who belongs to. FLEXIBLE WORKING HOURS FROM THE PERSPECTIVE EMPLOYER AND EMPLOYEES IN MALAYSIA 1. Companies that offer flexible working schedules are the key to luring professional women back into the workforce.

Certas Energy offer various types of flexible working options including compressed hours and as Resourcing Manager, Georgina Chambi comments, “We really value the benefits of having a flexible workforce not just in terms of being able to cater and adapt to the needs of our customers but also the higher levels of engagement and productivity that it drives amongst our colleagues. If a flexible working arrangement involves telecommuting, then many workers may not know one another. When there is a lack of contact with co-workers, there can be a lack of cohesiveness on the team and that can limit productivity.

It can limit communication.

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