NZX operates New Zealand capital, risk and commodity markets. We provide high quality market information, featuring real time stock quotes, market data, market news and tools to support business decision making. Ongoing Disclosure Notice - Jeff Morrison.
NZX News NZX fully operational – markets, regulatory function and services. NZX has, however, stated that the Australian continuous disclosure requirements are broadly in line with the New Zealand continuous disclosure requirements. They provide an important steer on how the NZX interprets the relevant provisions in its own Listing Rules.
The full text of the NZX update is available here. Who needs to read it? The airline told customers before shareholders of its plans to cut more staff.
NZX Regulation investigates Air NZ’s market disclosure. Already have an account? NZX proposes to provide further guidance to issuers about correcting consensus guidance or forecasts published by analysts and other third parties.
NZX has today released a consultation paper requesting feedback on the proposed amendments to its existing continuous disclosure guidance note. NZX Main Board in reliance on an Issuer’s continuous disclosure obligations under the Rules. NZX does not consider that PFI is necessary in this context, given the trading information that is available to a potential investor. These notices relate to share purchases as part of the recent capital raise process and the updated application of the disclosure policy for senior managers. Bruce Sheppard: Crisis no time to relax NZX disclosure rules.
Helpfully, NZX ’s review includes an appendix with discussion prompts to enable issuers and their directors to understand their. NZX extends trading halt over lack of disclosure in CSM reverse listing. Where an issuer does not publish forecasts and is not covered by. Consultation on new guidance, eg continuous disclosure and governance. NZX has published updated Listing Rules and a range of supporting material.
Shareholder approval for Issues by Ordinary Resolu. NZBA supports NZX ’s publication of updated guidance on continuous disclosure , particularly in light of the new “constructive knowledge” test for Material Information. In addition, we also support using this opportunity to modernise the general practical guidance and examples in the guidance.

We discuss each of these points below. NZX guidance note on continuous disclosure NZX ’s updated guidance noteson continuous disclosure and trading halts and suspensions have now been published. NZX ’s framework for continuous disclosure , including system functionality, monitoring and enforcement, is therefore an area of high interest. Under proposed amendments to NZX’s Guidance Note on continuous disclosure, issuers would be expected to correct such guidance where they are sufficiently certain that a material deviation (between market expectations and actual financial performance) will arise.
He expects NZX to make a similar pronouncement, so that immediately would mean promptly and without delay. NZX’s survey revealed that of the issuers surveyed had a written continuous disclosure policy, with a further being in the process of adopting one. Only around half of the issuers surveyed.

The company’s share price rose from 1. Continuous Disclosure : NZX index changes, flaws in Trade Me deal.
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