Thursday 9 November 2017

Gitlab merge request workflow

Gitlab merge request workflow

What is a Git merge request? Why is GitLab merging? Merge requests workflow Merge request guidelines. If you find an issue, please submit a merge request with a fix or improvement, if you can, and.

Gitlab merge request workflow

Contribution acceptance criteria. The change is as small as possible. Include proper tests and make all tests pass. Definition of done. Author opens a merge request in a project.

By using pipelines for merge requests , GitLab exposes additional predefined variables to the pipeline jobs. Those variables contain information of the associated merge request , so that it’s useful to integrate your job with GitLab Merge Request API. You can find the list of available variables in the reference sheet.

While it is the result of some discussion at GHC HQ , this is currently just a proposal: We would love to have your feedback. A merge request which contains ~fronten ~backen ~databaselabels requires at least people to review it from different perspectives. In this case, the review process is not only slowed down by back and forth, but also contains the discussions which are useful for one section, but not for another.

So I set out to build the following, for a client-project I was working on. Just add WIP: to the beginning of the title of an MR, and it will not be merged unless you remove it from there. Tools such as GitHub and Bitbucket choose the name pull request since the first manual action would be to pull the feature branch. The workflow to make a merge request is as follows: Fork the project into your personal namespace (or group) on GitLab.

Gitlab merge request workflow

Write tests and code. Create Merge Request: On GitLab’s Merge Request page, select “Create Merge Request” for your recent push. Select “Remove source branch when merge request is accepted. I created workflow diagrams for the following sections in the CONTRIBUTING document: - Getting ready to work - Work - Getting your work reviewed and merged I also added the.

Now we would like to use the merge request workflow with protected develop and release branches. Our requirement is that no code can be merged into these branch without running on gitlab -ci first to keep these branches clean. You can always close the merge request without merging the branches. However, the standard workflow is that, if you find some issues with the code, you can comment the specific lines of code if you go to Changes or comment the whole merge request and suggest possible improvements. Then the developer can resolve those code issues you found.

GitLab merge request as a tool for code review A merge request is meant for merging code from one branch to another. Integrating NG SAST into your GitLab Merge Request workflow is done using the pipelinesfor merge requests that GitLab includes in its premium version. The issue is that since these merge option require fast-forwar if multiple merge request are created for the same target branch, accepting one merge request changes the target branch. This then prevent other merge request from being merged as they are no longer fast-forward. I do not want to manage the merge request.

I want to approve the merge request. GitLab is letting me approve the merge request —that is not the problem! Notifications—not managing, not merging, not protecting branches.

Gitlab merge request workflow

If I am assigned as an approver of a merge.

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