How long is NTS valid? Can I cancel my NTS exam? We understand that COVID-has disrupted your testing endeavors and we hope the map below will answer some of your concerns.

Please note that this map will be updated immediately following any changes to Board of Accountancy NTS extension policies. The chart below indicates the status of NTS extensions by state. For each jurisdiction where additional NTS extensions have been grante nothing is required by Exam candidates to obtain the extension.
Scheduling instructions will be included on the NTS. I sent in a Exception to Policy request with an attached letter outlining my circumstances, and the circumstances facing many candidates. If you have an extreme circumstance (such as military deployment or medical emergency), you may apply for an NTS extension or a partial refund of your examination fees under specific circumstances. If you registered to test through one of the jurisdictions represented by CPAES , complete the Exception to Policy Form no later than days from the date of the extreme circumstance.
The free service is available to candidates in all jurisdictions that have an open NTS. Please note this mapwill be updated immediately following any changes to Board of Accountancy NTS extension policies. You’ll need to submit a copy of your official military orders. Click on First Time Application and select the link to Exception to Policy Form.
Your NTS is only good for months, so if you dont take the section within those months, it will expire and you lose the fees you paid. She said a formal announcement should be coming in a week or two. Death in the immediate family.
An Advisory Evaluation will identify any academic deficiencies in your education before you submit a first-time application for the Exam. Please visit CPA Central for more information about submitting an Advisory Evaluation in this jurisdiction. Candidates should allow up to two weeks for processing extensions and for records to be updated. This week has been.
Has anyone be able to successfully extend their NTS which was expiring beyond 30th June by contacting the State Board? Is it probable that State Boards will do it voluntarily for all if students are unable to schedule due to center closures? Extreme medical conditions. Extension of NTS expiring beyond 30th June?
So I re-paid my State fees, and then I had to have my old NTS cancelled to open up a new one. Account will be automatically updated with the extended NTS date. NASBA Advisory Evaluation. Currently, NTS that expire between April and June have been extended through September 30.
Why hasn’t CPA Central been updated to reflect my extended credit? If your exam credit expires outside of this window, you will need to follow normal policies to request an extension. The NTS is valid only for a specific period of time. It cannot be used once it expires. You should schedule your Exam appointment as soon as you receive your NTS.

When this extension field is included in a client packet (mode 3), it communicates to the server that the client wishes it to send additional cookies in its response. The Lotus Notes Traveler Server Config file type, file format description, and Windows programs listed on this page have been individually researched and verified by the FileInfo team.
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