Wednesday 8 August 2018

Letter to my son from dad

Can you write to your son? What does letter to my son mean? Because of your guidance and support, we have grown up successful and happy. I am proud to be the son of a kindhearted man who lets his children carve their own path. I just thought I’d let you know how much I love you.

As a father myself with sons , I am always guided by the lessons and example you set for me.

The author, Jerry Tujague, is the Director of Technology at a Catholic high school in Kansas City, and he is the father of seven (7) children - sons , daughters. Jerry wrote this letter to his sons and was asked to read it to all the junior boys on the school’s junior class retreat. T o my son , I think often of the legacy I leave for you. I wonder how memory will color me in your eyes.

If you will look back at the lessons I tried to impart and find value in them or if you will throw them all aside and see them as meaningless rubbish held by a man who had no real idea about the world. It speaks of a father’s pride in a son ’s accomplishment. It also speaks of encouragement, of advises, and of assurance that God will be there with him to guide him along the way.

You are the son that every mother can only dream of and I thank.

As your dad and I fade into the background of your life I want to tell you it has been a privilege to have you as our son. My Father is a Magistrate or Judge so this should tell you how important child support or the check was, or wasn’t. The quandary is physically getting the letter to my son. I must send the letter to his mother then pray she delivers it to him.

I’ve sent dozens of letters , birthday cards and Christmas cards to my son and received no reply. Dear Dad , There are so many things I’d like to tell you face to face. I either lack the words or fail to find the time or place. But in this special letter , Dad , you’ll fin at least in part, the feelings that the passing years have left in my heart. To my future son , I wish it were easy to tell you what being a man entails, all I can say is that for most of your life you will battle between who you think you want to be, and who you truly are.

Society will tell you that being a man means muscles, and a sports car, and a wall street job with a 401k. Dear Son , When you came into this worl you brought a love into my heart that I had never before experienced. When you spoke your first wor when you walked your first steps, I was your biggest supporter and fan. With every developmental milestone you reache I reveled in joy and celebration. Don’t be like your dad.

It’s good to share your emotions no matter how hard. Be strong both physically and mentally. If you’ve nailed these things, you’ll be able to do anything in life.

Remember that your home is with me and your mum.

The only thing growing faster than you, Te is my love for you. Living in the past may be the ideal, but living in the moment is reality and that, my son , is life. No matter what you may wish would not have happene when people and emotions are involve unless you have walked long days in their shoes, their lives are not yours to judge. We all seek to be happy and we flee from rejection and pain.

The letter is very touching and inspirational. By writing Letters to father with a special message for him will let him know how much you appreciate all of his priceless advice and unconditional support. To make dad feel special, we’ve compiled some caring, emotional and sweet Father’s Day letters to celebrate all the joys of fatherhood. Son, your dad loved me with a sacrificial kind of love that all men are called to, but few accomplish. I want you to love your future wife like your Daddy loved me.

Love her with everything you have, love her with all your heart, be faithful to her and show her (don’t just tell her) you love her EVERY DAY. People will respect you only if you respect yourself. When I got marrie I walked down the aisle without my father.

Dear father, for so long I wanted to ask you why, but I am okay now. After my first son was born, I thought of what it might be like to see him in his grandpa’s arms. My son’s first little league game,.

This weighed so heavily on her that she decided to write him a letter , hoping that she could convey to her father just how much she loved him.

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