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Hebelwirkung beim Handel, Konkurrenzfähige Spreads, Benutzerfreundliche Plattform. NZX Regulation (“ NZXR” ) advises that, at the request of the company, it has placed a trading halt on Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited (“ANZ”) ordinary shares. The trading halt was placed at 2. Trading Halt The Warehouse Group Limited (“Warehouse Group”) has agreed with the NZX to place the ordinary shares (“WHS”) and the bonds (“WHS020”) of the Group in trading halt. There is considerable uncertainty around what meets the definition of essential businesses and which products and services they are able to provide. NZX operates New Zealand capital, risk and commodity markets.
We provide high quality market information, featuring real time stock quotes, market data, market news and tools to support business decision making. RIS Group Limited (RIS) requested a trading halt on RIS’s ordinary shares from NZX regulation this afternoon. To find out whether your business will be impacte for updates today. The halt will remain in place until the release today by ANZ of its half-year financial and related documents.
MET has requested a trading halt while its Board considers this afternoon a final position from APVG in connection with its proposed replacement scheme of arrangement. NZX Regulation (“NZXR”) advises that, at the request of the issuer, it has placed a trading halt on Smartpay Holdings Limited (“SPY”) ordinary shares. Jederzeit Depot im Blick be halt en und mobil handeln mit der kostenlosen trading App. The share price opened at 1. Friday, down from 9. An initial trading halt was put in place at 10.
FroNZX Product Operations Date: Thursday, Subject: Comvita Limited (“CVT”) - Trading Halt of Securities. Further to the announcement released by AFT Pharmaceuticals Limited (“AFT”) today at 10. AFT has sought the trading halt to facilitate an orderly market.
NZX halted trading on its main board and debt markets at about 4:p. It said its vendor has identified. New Zealand’s stock market was halted after little more than an hour’s trading Tuesday and failed to resume after a fault at the country’s national stock exchange. Live prices and indexes stopped. IPL has sought the trading halt pending the release of an announcement in relation to the company.
In such a case, it is NZX’s policy to implement a trading halt for a period of not greater than minutes or in the case of securities of an Overseas Listed Issuer or a Dual Listed Issuer for a period of not greater than minutes. The NZX experienced connectivity issues on a number of its systems around midday, and decided to halt all trading while it undertook an urgent investigation into the problem. Shares in NZX fell 2. Our dealers use the trading halt as an alert to review orders in the market.
The current conservative approach by NZX in placing securities in a halt is of great benefit to the retail investor. As NZX is first to receive the information, we think some obligation exists to attempt to protect investors that have live orders in the market. NZX Main Board and on the ASX to undertake a placement of new shares.
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