When you need to top up you have lots of options. If your card is registere login above. You can do a one off top up on this website. Add a payment card to your account. Enter and confirm your new payment details.

Save time with auto top up. Find out how to set up auto top up. Plan, top up or get notifications. Add value before you travel and tap on and off to pay your fare.
There’s a feature called auto top up that can automatically add a certain amount of Australian dollars to your card if the card balance goes below a certain threshold like AU$10. I just checked my credit card transactions and I just saw that last time it auto topped up there are two transactions for $on the same day. Opal privacy policy. For turning off the auto top up , you will have to use their website.

Even a more likely $recharge would attract a per cent surcharge which, for a regular user, could amount to more than $1a year in fees. The problem is compounded in NSW due to limited alternative recharge options. Is this correct for top -ups from a retailer too? The auto top up doesn’t kick in until you swipe to take a journey. Anyone have any possible ideas?
Well it only saves , so for every fares, get free! I can then manually add credit. Visit your chosen service centre. Select your top up amount. Pay with cash or a credit card.

So, as a responsible user, I decided to give the top-up another whirl on Saturday, this time opting for the maximum AU$top-up, to prepare the card for another week of travelling. The top-up was committed to their web interface on the 18th April, and checking my bank’s statement, the cash was successfully taken on the 20th April. Search for top up card. When the retailer puts $on your card , that top up is applied to the card only.
It is not sent out through the network. Just need a password. This video is unavailable. Autoplay When autoplay is enable a suggested video will automatically play next.
Minister for Transport Andrew Constance said people were not topping up online because the current minimum values were too high. Paul Brown was among those caught up in the discount hysteria taking to Twitter to broadcast his $discount on a $top - up at Town Hall. One Woolworths employee thought the discount was. For example, if your current balance is $on the car and you tapped on at Central, it’d drop your balance by $8.
From September first, old tickets will no longer be sold. In my view, the experience was better than I expected. Tap on operated successfully showing card balance on a screen with good sized text.

I was pleasently surprised that the tap on was shown on my online account within minutes of my tap on.
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