Topic of research This research on flexible working was conducted alongside a piece of research examining HR professionals’ perspectives on returners. These two topics overlap considerably, as. What are flexible working arrangements?
What is flexible working practice? Recent trends in the availability of flexible working arrangements ( FWAs ) have seen an increase in flexibility in the workplace. With contemporary developments in information and communication technology (ICT), many employees are able to work anytime (e.g., flexible working hours ) and from anywhere (e.g., working from home). Remote working—or flexible working arrangements—is becoming increasingly popular in scientific research , driven by both social trends and advances in technology.
Also, flexible work-ing hours promote and facilitate work-life balance. Reduced stress and increased employee wellbeing are out-comes of the work-life balance. In this paper , the relationship. Abstract : Flexible Working Hours has recently seen the attention of both academicians as well practitioners as a tool to enhance organizational and employee performance.
However, there is a lack o. This report looks at recent trends in flexible working , and since we have to set boundaries around the analysis, we’ve concentrated on trends in when and where work is done. Our Good Work Index survey (previously UK Working Lives) includes data on flexible working arrangements and work–life balance. While the findings show that just over half of UK workers are already working flexibly in some way, with those in higher-level occupations most able to use flexible working to support their work–life balance, we also see that flexible working is not delivering for all workers. The major benefits—the ability to continue careers while starting families or avoiding the upheaval of moving for a temporary position—often outweigh disadvantages, such as the lack of face‐to‐face encounters around a laboratory or meetings. Defining Flexible Working, Discrepancies Between Arrangements Another limitation of previous research is the way flexible working is operationalised.
Many studies do not distinguish between different types of flexible working, in the extent to which control is given, and for which purpose. The study aims to understand Flexible Work Arrangements and its impact on staff retention with reference to employees in IT sector of Delhi region. Abstract - This paper reviews trends and developments in both hours of work and the organization of working time (working time arrangements ) and considers their implications for the future of work.

Flexible work arrangements are preferred by employees across generations, levels, gender, and is one of the most sought after benefits. Abstract: Flexible Working Hours has recently seen the attention of both academicians as well practitioners as a tool to enhance organizational and employee performance. Research drawn from the consortium is used throughout the report. Executive Summary The need for flexible working is growing. The changing context of work is creating new challenges and opportunities that companies can only meet with the sort of agility that flexible working arrangements provide.
The papers of this special issue overcome some of the limitations by examining the importance of context, namely, family, organisational and country context, examining the intersection between gender and class, and finally examining the outcomes for different types of flexible working arrangements. The issue on flexible working hours for employees is quite important and controversial, because on the one hand such a schedule enables people to work in the convenient hours, but on the other han there is a risk of the lack of the organization and reduction of the quality of work. With the help of the research proposal the student is able to suggest his own point of view about flexible working hours convincing the professor in the seriousness and urgency of the chosen topic. The flexible working hours allows employees to focus on multiple roles in today’s competitive working environments.
This arrangement has been widely practiced in order to create balance between work and lifestyle. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship between the flexible working hours and employees’ motivation. A flexible work arrangement includes: 1. Company leaders’ hesitation around flexible work arrangements is often driven by the fear that performance will suffer if employees aren’t closely monitored.
A Stanford article about the study offered more specifics. An analysis showed (home workers) answered more calls and worked more hours because they took shorter breaks and used less sick leave,” the Stanford article said. Research and thinking from Acas on best practice in employment relations and the future of work.
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