Wednesday 6 May 2020

Research papers on flexible working hours

What is flexible working hours? How flexible is working? Is flexible working hours a positive or negative effect?

HR professionals in the current sample identified a number of arrangements as ‘flexible working ’. These included flexitimearound core hours , part-time working , working from home, compressed hours ,. Flexible working hours for employees or “ flextime” is the special organization of the employee’s working day where he chooses the convenient hours for his work and does not have to spend the whole day at work.

Also, flexible work-ing hours promote and facilitate work-life balance. Reduced stress and increased employee wellbeing are out-comes of the work-life balance. In this paper , the relationship.

This arrangement has been widely practiced in order to create balance between. This study examines the perceived impact of flexible working hours on work-life balance in the educational sector in Finland. The literature review explains the history and development of work-life balance practices and flexible working arrangements. The flexible working hours allows employees to focus on multiple roles in today’s competitive working environments.

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship between the flexible working hours and employees’ motivation. Recent trends in the availability of flexible working arrangements (FWAs) have seen an increase in flexibility in the workplace.

With contemporary developments in information and communication technology (ICT), many employees are able to work anytime (e.g., flexible working hours ) and from anywhere (e.g., working from home). A report on the findings from qualitative research to understand organisations’ experiences of the barriers and facilitators for offering flexible working in their organisations and the uptake of. We share our findings with policy makers, opinion formers and employers, helping to inform the strategic development of public services as well as HR, diversity and recruitment practices. Flexible workers are prone to be seen as less ambitious or career-focused than their peers because they work reduced hours.

Earlier Acas research on homeworking also found that it is hard to shift the notion that ‘face time ’ is the most critical driver of progression (whether you are working productively or not). The Labour Force Survey defines flexible working as one of the following - flexitime, annualised hours , compressed working week (either day fortnight or day week), job sharing, term-time only working and zero hours contracts. There is a continuum, with flextime being nearly always positive for workers, whilst term-time only working can generate serious problems with loss of pay and.

This literature review will focus on examining the perceived impact of flexible working hours on work -life balance. This research will critically analyze the existing literature on the flexibility and work -life balance and attempt to find an answer to what extent are flexible working hours perceived to influence work -life balance. This special brings together innovative and multidisciplinary research (sociology, economics, and social work ) using data from across Europe and the US tonbsp;examine the potential flexible working has on the gender division of labour and workers’ work –life balance. Despite numerous studies on the gendered outcomes of flexible working , it is limited in thatnbsp;the majority is based on. Why the research was commissioned.

Organisations implementing the ‘right to request’ and aware of the increasing popularity of flexible working arrangements wanted to establish a clear understanding of the experiences and perspectives of their employees at different levels, particularly with regard to the impact on performance. Part 6AA of the Employment Relations Act sits within an employee-driven approach to flexibility. By offering flexible hours the company has attracted over-skilled employees to the job roles and employees are happy to accept the role because it’s so flexible.

Ultimately, informing managers of the many benefits of flexible working , and training them on how to manage flexible workers, is the most effective way of significantly increasing the quantity and quality of flexible working. To this en the CIPD is working with government and a range of stakeholders, including business lobby organisations, professional bodies, unions and key charities, as. This paper investigates whether flexible working hours support and enhance work -life balance or conversely create difficulties in balancing between work and life roles.

Firstly, some previous findings on flexible working hours are examined.

Flexible working is measured by data on usual working hours , employment status and the degree of contract permanency. Lastly, age, gender, the number of children in the househol and an interaction between gender and the number of children are entered to reflect the changing demography profile of the employed workforce. Any remaining unexplained trend patterns are captured by the set of year.

Today flexible working , in terms of hours , location and role, has become an embraced reality and chief workplace priority. Technology has blurred the lines between work and life. The new “digitally native” workforce now expect a flexibility and access in every aspect of their lives. Flexible work arrangements (FWAs) can come in many forms, including telecommuting, compressed workweeks and flex-ible scheduling that allows employees to perform tasks outside of core business hours.

Flexitime generally incorporates core hours that employees are required to work , but outside of these hours employees can come and go as they please. Flexitime will suit those employees who work better at certain times of. Flexitime The employee chooses when to start and end work (within agreed limits) but works certain ‘core hours ’, for example 10am to 4pm every day.

Working full-time hours but over fewer days.

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