Monday 11 May 2020

Resident cat chasing new kitten

She is really affectionate, social and mellow. However, we adopted a new kitten days ago and she just transformed into a whole new cat. New kitten is only weeks old. Resident cat is chasing new kitten. TCS Member Thread starter.

The kitten can learn that the consequence of chasing or “bugging” the older cat is a timeout in the bathroom by herself.

No need to speak to the cat , yell at her or use corporal punishment in any way. Can cats get along with new kittens? How to stop a cat from rejecting a new kitten? How do I introduce a new cat to my Cat? Then the older cat began following and chasing the new kitten and biting her a little, I closely watched ready to intervene if needed as I knew I must protect the new kitten as she is tiny compared to my cat and unable to defend herself.

But if your cat was not well socialized before the age of it may be very difficult for it to get along with a new kitten. In reality, some cats are better off being the only cat in a home. A proper introduction is everything, so be diligent, patient, and thorough about introducing your new kitten to your resident cats.

Most of all, make sure your kitten has a safe environment to retreat to and a chance to establish itself in the home without the lingering presence of the bully. Plenty of reasons exist why the junior cat in your household chases the senior cat. The younger cat may be aggressive or playful or something else. Go directly to the room previously designated and set up for your new kitten and allow the kitten to explore.

The litter box, food bowls, be and some toys should all be easily accessible. My cat hissed and growled at the new stray kitten that we brought home. This went on for several days but then finally, over time, the cat started to show that he could be more friendly over time. My new cat hisses a lot at my resident cat who is now chasing her to mess with her. It seems that cats , like people will sometimes bond and like one another and sometimes not.

Try to get the cats to interact with you supervising with snacks or some play time. Also others have recommended using the feliway spray to reduce tension between cats. I have a resident male neutered month old cat and have recently introduced a female week old kitten.

Introduce Your Cat to the New Kitten. Pet your new kitten an at the same time, allow your older cat to sniff you while you give it its favorite treats. This may help to teach your cat that the scent of the new kitten is not a bad thing. Over time, your older cat may start to associate the smell of the kitten with treats, making it a positive scent.

If there is still friction put the new cat back into their room. If not, try leaving the door open and letting them investigate each other in their own time, with a place to go back to safety if needed.

My Cat Is Hissing at Me Because of New Kitten. Your cat will often act like they are upset at you too when you bring a new cat into the home. My Profile My Preferences My Mates.

Phase – Cat Smells Cat Successful introductions take time. DO NOT and we repeat DO NOT try to introduce the new addition to your resident cat (s) immediately upon arrival. When choosing to adopt a new cat , you’ll want to make sure to introduce the new cat to your existing cat -home carefully and patiently.

Any new cat added to your home should be physically isolated from your E- cat at first to make certain that he has proper time to get used to his new surroundings and that both cats have proper time to get used each other’s scents and sounds.

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