How to get help:. Administration: Dr. Anna Menna dottorati. To students simply need to enter their University e-mail address name. For Uniweb , click on the red box.
Study in Italian: how to apply Applications for European and non-European students are now open for Italian-taught degree courses. Application procedures and documents vary depending on citizenship, current residence, previous degree, etc. Remember my selection. Welcome to MediaSpace. Please choose one of the login options below: SSO UNIPD.
Moodle (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment) is the e-learning platform adopted by the University of Padova. For further information click here. Teaching in current academic year. Webmail - Dipartimento Scienze Statistiche - Login.
SCEGLI IL TUO PROFILO. Salta al menu research Prese. Uniweb is an information system that allows all students enrolled at the University of Padova to access from home to the information about their studies and to directly manage their university career, from pre-registration and enrolment procedures to exam enrolments and degree applications. Skip to main content. Uniweb is the on-line IT system of our University and you have to use it to manage your student career.
Certified mail : dipartimento. Web editorial office: webmaster.