Monday 5 November 2018

How long does it take for a cat to accept a new kitten

If your cat is younger, it can take from weeks to a couple of months. While older cats will occasionally take to a new kitten right away, they typically need a little time to adjust to the changes. Sometimes cats never fully accept a new kitten but will simply coexist, keeping to themselves away from the other cat in the house.

According to the ASPCA, it takes most cats eight months to a year to develop a friendship with another cat. By allowing the kitten to be outside, you are making things a lot worse for the older cat.

I would strongly advise you to stop letting either cat outside (purebreds should not be outside in the first place). I had an month old boy, who was SUPER affectionate - in fact, he was too demanding, which is why we went and got him a sister. She was year old.

Some cats can take days, weeks. He ignored us for about a week, as we were obviously traitors, intent on bringing an. That depends on the cats and the sex of the cats. Females take a lot longer to adjust to a new pet.

Males take a few days.

There is no predicting how cats will act. My one male took a week to accept his. It can take several weeks to several months for a cat to get used to a new kitten—and even longer for them to become friends.

In other cases, the cat will take to the kitten right away. Tips Not all cats can get along well, it may take weeks and even months to get them to get along, even though it is not sure they will eventually get along. Within days , they were playing and eating together. Now at weeks , the older cat has taken to sleeping with me so the younger cat can sleep in the favorite chair. Keep them separate for several weeks so your cat can first get used to the new scent of the kitten before they meet.

Our female was about yrs old when we got our male Ocicat kitten (neutered) - took her over 6. For some cats this could be a few hours , but for others it could be weeks , or even months , especially for the more nervous or timid cats. So be prepared to be patient and you will get there. Usually, in a cat that is not traumatized and has no socialization problems, a week or week and a half will be more than enough to make them feel completely comfortable in their new home. Being taken to a new home can be a very daunting experience for your new cat or kitten because they have not yet had time to form a bond with you.

Cats are notorious for disliking change and need plenty of time to adjust to their new environment. It may only take a day or two or it may take several weeks for cats to tolerate each other. It may take months before the cats are relaxed with each other, but you are on your way to success if you reach the stage of a calm truce between them.

Don't panic if you have another catand it isn't getting along with the new kitten just yet. This process can take time and days may not be enough for your cat to adjust. As my cat colony can attest, not only can an older male cat “ accept ” a male kitten , but they can even become best buddies. How long will it take ? Allow Cats to Glimpse One Another After a day or so, let the two cats sniff each other through a baby gate or through a barely-opened door. Twice we have introduced a kitten to an older cat in our househol and both times it did take quite a while for the older cat to get used to the new one.

There was a lot of hissing to start with! Place the new cat in the room with the others and allow them to interact. You could experience any reaction from calm indifference to a major scrap.

If the meeting is a peaceful one then you can then give your new pet the run of the house. If things don’t go quite so well then remove your new cat from the room and try again later in the day.

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