These laws allow a tenant to end their tenancy with as little as days’ notice, without any legal or financial penalty, if they or their dependant are in circumstances of family and domestic violence. If you are a tenant dealing with a family or domestic violence situation you now have options on managing your tenancy agreement. Remember, whatever path you choose, your safety is paramount and there are support agencies around to help you. These new laws help tenants who have experienced domestic violence , and provide options to leave the tenancy easily or to stay more safely in your tenancy. Can domestic violence end?
When does tenant have to terminate tenancies? Section 59C: Be recognised as a tenant under the tenancy agreement. Section 71AE: have the perpetrator’s interest in the tenancy agreement terminated on the grounds of family violence. Part I — Preliminary 1. Commencement This Act shall come into operation on such day as is fixed by proclamation 1. REIWA consulted widely through our membership and the public. We conducted extensive surveys of more than 0property managers , lessors, and tenants.
The showed that overall, the current system is working well. WA needs to create long-term economic activity and jobs by removing stamp duty. WA’s laws provide support to tenants who are at risk of, or experiencing family and domestic violence. The DV tenancy laws Last year’s Amendment inserted division 3A into part of the Act, as of February this year. Section 105B of the Act now provides that a tenant has the right to give their landlord a domestic violence termination notice if they’re in circumstances of domestic violence.
Western Australian Legislation. Domestic and family violence is a term used to describe any form of violence or abuse between people in a domestic relationship, where the person who is violent towards you is: an informal carer. Under current WA residential tenancy laws, it’s not very clear on what the tenant ’s liabilities are in a break lease situation. In addition, there are no special provisions for people fleeing a domestic violence situation. Current WA Break Lease Laws.
Usually the Lessor is entitled to not be out of pocket if the tenant ‘breaks lease’. Has there been domestic violence in your household? The victim of the violence may be a tenant or co-tenant or a dependent child of a tenant or co-tenant. Are you either a tenant or co-tenant?

Versions of this Act (includes consolidations, Reprints and “As passed” versions). Subsidiary legislation made under this Act (current versions). History of this Act.
Please Note: The link to this page has been updated to law_a693. Tenant includes sub-tenant. The amendments are aimed at giving the victim better choices, including whether to stay in the tenancy or move to safer accommodation, or remove tenancy -related concerns, which are barriers to leaving a violent relationship.
New laws will support tenants experiencing family and domestic violence in WA. WA’s laws are changing to provide better support to tenants who are at risk of, or experiencing family and domestic violence. Where ACAT issues such a notice, ACAT may decide that the tenant will not be charged any advertising or letting fees, or other penalties.
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