You’re a handsome guy with a nice smile and you’ll be on the football team. Don’t use your charm to take advantage of young ladies, the admiration of others, or to gain opportunities you can work to obtain. Your dad knew I was the one from the moment he met me.
To My Son , So now you are going off to college , spreading your wings, moving forward into your future. I am excited and saddened for the experiences yet to come. There is so much I want to tell you and to remind you about, including things I have said before. I didn’t know how to mark this passage in time…just new I wanted to do something. As my heart breaks a little, here’s the last-minute advice I gave that I hope he takes to heart.
As my son prepares to head off to college and the start of his adult life away from home, my stomach. Son , There is a tradition of parents writing an obligatory college drop off letter to your freshman college student. I have read a few examples, and some of them are beautiful, poignant. They are to offer advice and throw out some words of encouragement.
Sure, I expected you to go an in turn, you expected nothing less from yourself. College is a Privilege. We’ve done everything we can to prepare them for it, and yet, we aren’t ready to say goodbye. In her letter to her college - bound daughter, Momentum Board Member Mahra Pailet captures these feelings beautifully.